Order and Collect service

You can use this service to collect library items with minimum contact by ordering online or over the phone.

You can't request specific book titles, instead you can tell us your preferred genres and staff will pick for you. You can order a pack containing:

  • up to 15 books (including audio books and graphic novels)
  • up to two DVDs and two music CDs
  • you should specify if the pack is for an adult or child when you order

Collecting your books

When you've placed your order, library staff will contact you with a date and time. Please remember to bring your library card with you (or the card of the person you are collecting for).

When you arrive you will be asked to queue outside the library or in the foyer while a member of staff brings the books to you in a reusable plastic bag.

If you have books to return they can be left on the trolleys or boxes provided.

Libraries you can collect from

To find out current library opening days and times visit Our Libraries.

How to order

Order online or call or email the library you want to collect from.

Contact Libraries Team

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